There are several methods that I like to employ:
There are several methods that I like to employ:
Voice Dialogue is a non-judgmental way to discover who directs you, which sides there are to you and which talents you haven’t been using.
Read moreChange processes for individuals and organisations are more predictable than you might think.
Read morePrimarily listening to our ratio, we are inclined to overlook the intelligence of our body.
Read moreGaining more insight into oneself can be achieved by procuring information about one’s history. Within this method, we will analyse your patterns within the systems in which you operate.
Read moreDaniel Ofman’s core quadrant model offers insight into –among other things– which sides of you are emphatically noticeable and which ones are less visible.
Read moreCreative and active working methods can help you discover more about yourself – and especially if you’re used to using your voice of reason as a basis for how you live and work.
Read moreQuick and accessible method to gain insight in drivers behind people's behavior.
Read moreThe enneagram is a model containing nine personality structures. It can accelerate your ability to discover patterns in yourself as well as others.
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